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  • When does registration open?
    General registration for the gathering will open on April 1st! The speed at which we reach registration capacity is unpredictable, so it is good to register early.
  • How much does it cost to attend?
    Adults (18 & up): $175 for the week $50 per single day Teens (13-17): $75 for the week $20 per single day Children (12 & under): Free
  • What is the refund policy?
    80% Before Aug 1st. No Refunds after Aug 1st.
  • When is the deadline for instructor applications?
    For 2025, instructor applications will open on February 1st and will be due on March 15th. Applicants will be notified of their acceptance by e-mail on March 22nd.
  • How much do the workshops cost?
    Depends! Many workshops are free, some instructors ask for a few dollars, a bow stave maybe $40. It really depends upon the materials needed for the workshop. If there is a fee, Instructors should be paid at the beginning of the workshop. If you cannot afford the fee for materials, you may be able to barter, or trade, with the instructor. It is important to respect the instructors and the skills they are here to teach by compensating them fairly for materials.
  • Can I collect nature materials from the woods or road on the event site?
    No. Please respect the land and understand that we are but one of numerous groups that use this site throughout the year.
  • Is there cell phone reception?
    Yes, ATT coverage used to be the only option but in years past other providers work. Do not expect solid signal at all times.
  • Do I need to stay on-site during the gathering?
    No. There are several nearby places to stay if you wish, the casino lodge is the closest. But you will still have to park outside the gate unless you have a special need.
  • What can I expect regarding weather?
    Good question, we've had very dry and very hot gatherings, as well as rain filled weeks, and nights in the 30's - come prepared.
  • Are there showers on-site?
    There are no shower facilities. Sponge-baths at your campsite are the way to go or solar shower bags. Going soap-free in the lake does a really good job as well, lake temps vary widely even day to day, so it may be a very "refreshing" method.
  • What are the cabins by the well?
    That is private property not affiliated with the gathering and please respect their space during the gathering.
  • Are meals provided?
    To keep the cost of the event as affordable as possible we do not provide meals. Bring your own food and be aware there is no electricity available on-site. Dried/freeze-dried/dehydrated/canned goods are a good option. Fresh/frozen goods that need to be kept cool would do best in a well insulated cooler with lots of ice, with ice available 15 min. away at a convenience store. There is an artesian well on-site for filling your water bottles and larger containers - please do not brush your teeth or 'wash-up' at this well.
  • Where can I get drinking and cooking water?
    There is an artesian well on-site for filling your water bottles and larger containers - please do not brush your teeth or 'wash-up' at this well. This well does have a higher mineral content than some may be used to, it has a bit of a well water flavor. Bring filters or drink mixes if it may be something that bothers you.
  • Where can we have camp / cooking fires?
    The beach is the best option for group fires. Be aware firewood may be hard to come across. Also, be especially vigilant about putting the fire 'dead-out' before you leave it - we have had attendees get burned by hot sand and coals from a seemingly 'dead' fire. There are buckets at registration area to douse your fire when you are done. There are also several community fire pits that can be shared. As well as some portable fire rings in locations that can be shared for warming and chatting at night. Some of the pits have cooking grates and other not, if you are planning to cook with an open fire at the event, ask at registration and we can direct you to the locations that will make that easier for you.

Gathering Policies

Do bring your own firewood if it comes from within 25 miles of the Gathering site.
This is to help prevent the spread of invasive species such as the Emerald Ash Borer, and others.
Do leave your pets at home.
Pets are not allowed in the event, or in your parked car. If we make an exception for your exceptionally well behaved dog, we have to make it for everyone's.  All day barking is a distraction for all
Do leave your alcoholic beverages at home.
This is an alcohol and illegal drug-free event.
Do feel free to fish outside of the Bad River Reservation boundaries.
You cannot fish or hunt on-site.  This is tribal policy with large fines imposed.
Do bring food and items to cook it.
There are only a few fire rings for cooking so it is advised that you bring an alternative method such as propane stove to cook on.  Or plan on sharing the cooking space with many others.
Do bring a folding table and chairs for your campsite.
Unlike many State Parks, there are no picnic tables provided in the campsites.
Do feel free to have a campfire on the beach or in one of the designated fire-grates only.
This is a communal event and we must share the fire grates that are at some of the campsites.  You may bring a metal fire-pan/braizer, or other wood-burning, or alternate fuel stove to cook with if you wish.  
Do drive to your campsite to off-load when you arrive Saturday or Sunday.
Vehicles must remain outside the gate parked along the road after off-loading. No vehicles are allowed past the well after morning circle on Monday.
Do use the trash and recycling containers at the cross-roads.
Compostable materials tossed into the woods have attracted bears after we have departed past gatherings, which is not appreciated by the residents of this property.  .  Dish/'gray' water may be tossed into the woods.
Do feel free to appreciate the stones along the beach.
But please leave them here when you go home.  Grandfather stones (concretions) are sacred to the Anishinaabeg people.  Respect the traditions of our hosts and leave the stones here.  If you do not know what a Grandfather stone looks like, please ask a council member - we will be happy to show you
Do respect the the traditions.
The fire-ring at the Roundhouse is for a ceremonial/sacred fire only. Nothing goes into it except firewood, tobacco, and medicines.  Nothing else! 
Do keep your clothes on.
No nudity is allowed at the beach, at your campsite, or anywhere else on-site!  This is a matter of respect for others who may be uncomfortable with nudity, as well as our host, his visitors, and others from the nearby communities that may come to visit.
Do laugh, tell stories, and play music loudly until 10 pm every night.
That's when 'Quiet Time' begins.  Please respect your neighbors, you will probably have many of them - If you want to visit with others past this time, please use the area near the Roundhouse fire-ring.
Do attend the Morning Circle every morning, and be on-time!
This is the when important announcements are made and instructors inform all of us about the events of the day.  If you miss, or are late, for the morning announcements, you may miss a workshop you wanted to attend, or weather forecast.  Events change often depending upon the day, and weather, and having to repeat things for late-comers cuts into workshop time.
Do go swimming wearing a swim suit or other clothing please.
But be aware that there are NO Lifeguards here.  The lake, and it's winds, can be very unpredictable and so floating toys/tubes/mattresses/chairs, and similar items should not be used.
Do use the 'porta-potties' and pit-toilets.
Do not answer 'nature's call' in the woods - many workshops take place in the wooded areas throughout the site.
Do go into the woods only if you are part of a workshop.
The woods are very thick and quiet.  At least one person has gotten lost in the past when they left a group workshop that was approximately 30 yds. from the Roundhouse.  They found the first road many hours later and many many miles away. 
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